About the CommonsLab

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Commons-based innovation for a sustainable future

Our Services

We are in the process of setting up a place to research and produce Libre and Commons-based solutions that help everyone to cover their needs in a sustainable way.

We do workshops, seminars and presentations to help you learn about state-of-the-art open technologies and how to use those, such as 3D printing, programming electronics with Arduino and a lot more.
Digital Fabrication
We offer you our tools and expertize for rapid prototyping with the use of 3D printing, a CNC router, electronics and microcontrollers to make your ideas become reality.
Research & Development
We have a passion to experiment and innovate. In collaboration, we develop Free Software and Open-Source Libre Hardware designs for your needs.

Our Work

Basic Principles:

We understand that in order to succeed we must always strive for social and environmental sustainability. Our projects, products and services are designed with that in mind.
Free Software & Libre Hardware
The computer programs we write are released as Free Software under Open-Source licenses. The devices we design are developed as Libre Hardware and the design documents and our documentation is released under Free Licenses. The data we collect is released as Open Data.
Peer-to-Peer production
We keep a non-hierarchical organizational structure inside our teams. We see that we work more creatively and collaborate more easily as equal peers.

Our Team

Who we are:

Manolis has a degree in Finance with experience in collaborative and community projects. His out-of-the-box mind has the organization and coordination skills for the Commons.
Dimitris has a masters degree in software engineering with experience in embedded systems development, from back-end to front-end, including mobile applications. He enjoys collaborating for the Commons.
Jann has a PhD in experimental physics with experience in microelectronics and lasers. His passion for freedom of knowledge and innovation involves him in 3D-printing, digital fabrication and automation.

The Lab

A place for innovation and education.

Telsa Lab
Electronics and 3D printing Laboratory
The Nikola Tesla Lab hosts the 3D printer and everything needed to develop, build and test electronic circuits. It gives us the possibility for rapid prototyping.
Plato Room
Seminar and meeting room
This is the place where ideas are discussed, knowledge is shared and decisions are made. The Plato Room is equipped with a round table for meetings, a setup for video conferences and a kitchenette.
Leonardo Workshop
Metal, wood & CNC workshop
The Leonardo da Vinci Workshop provides hand tools and power tools for working with wood and metal and our CNC router. Ηere ideas take their physical shape.